Great Layman's Prayer Revival
Revival prayers are not just for pastors who graduated with a degree in theology. Everyone, pastors or lay church members, can say a prayer of revival for the church. In the mid-1800s, a revival took place in the USA because lay church members prayed for it. It started with just one member and then several prayer gatherings led by non-theologians had followed.
If you find the Layman’s Prayer Revival interesting, if you want to learn more about it so that you, too can pray a revival prayer for your local church, you can visit the links below. The links lead you to articles, audio sermons or materials, and videos about the Layman’s Prayer Revival.
1857 Prayer Revival, Day 1
“It was the beginning of a revival that would spread throughout the nation. This revival swelled church attendance. It changed people’s behaviors, and it inspired new missionary endeavors. But mostly, the revival inspired God’s people to pray.” (Read more about this article, click the link above.)
Layman’s Prayer Revival
“Do you believe there is power in prayer? I for sure do and the result of Layman’s Prayer Revival is just one event that will prove that power. What started in 1857 was thought to a small act of prayer as a businessman of New York took the time to kneel and pray during one of his lunch hours, this businessman layman was ready to see men and woman begin to pray.” (Read more about this article, click the link above.)
Overview of Revival
“The greatest need of the world today is a mighty manifestation of the Spirit of God in revival power. Revival is when God reveals Himself in awesome holiness and irresistible power. It is when He visits the world of men to impart a fresh vision of His glory and grace and simultaneously to reveal man’s sinfulness, inadequacy, and desperate need of God’s mercy.” (Read more about this article, click the link above.)
Revival - 11 - The Third Great Awakening in America 1857-1858
“The first stirrings of revival in what became the Third Great Awakening in America began on a Canadian farm in the province of Ontario. Dr. Walter Palmer was a wealthy physician who had turned evangelist… In August 1853, the Palmers preached at a camp meeting on a farm in an eastern township near Nappanee where over five hundred people were converted.” (Read more about this article, click the link above.)
The Great Awakening of 1857-1859
“In the twelve years before the Third Great Awakening, the religious life in America was on a decline. It was a time of prosperity, and people were seeking riches rather than God. The churches were losing people, and worldliness was creeping in.” (Read more about this article, click the link above.)
The Layman’s Prayer Revival
“Hell Corner, New Hampshire was a stronghold of sin. The Layman’s Prayer Revival sweeping all over America invaded this village and turned some hardened sinners to God. America’s moral recovery was under way.” (Read more about this article, click the link above.)
The Layman’s Prayer Revival
“We come now to the fourteenth in our series of Survey of American Christianity. Our subject for this session is actually two-fold: First, the Layman’s Prayer Revival of 1858, a rather unique revival which is characterized majoritively by prayer in America, and secondly, a beginning discussion of the classic perfectionistic cults in America which are part and parcel of the National era.” (Read more about this article, click the link above.)
The Layman’s Prayer Revival of 1857-1858
By Rev. Oliver W. Price
“In 1856 a Methodist names William Arthur published a book of fiery sermons which closed with a prayer pleading with God to… His prayer was answered when the greatest revival in American history began the next year.” (Read more about this article, click the link above.)
The Role of Revivals in the Great Commission
By Rick James
“When I say ‘revival’ any number of things might come to mind: televangelists, snake-handling, exotic haircuts, faith healing, or preachers with the ecclesiastical names of Jethro, Jedd or Billy Bob. Whatever your thoughts, this is not that.” (Read more about this article, click the link above.)
Times of Refreshing (Day 27) - The Layman’s Prayer Revival of 1857
By Pastor Mike
“By the 1850s, the United States had come to a spiritual, political, and economic low point. Agitation over the slavery issue had bred much political unrest, and civil war seemed imminent. Then, in 1857, a financial panic hit. Banks failed, railroads were bankrupted, factories closed, and unemployment increased. Many Christians realized the need for prayer in such dire circumstances.” (Read more about this article, click the link above.)
Revival: Experience the Layman’s Prayer Revival
The Layman’s Prayer Revival - Audio
The Revival of 1857 The Layman’s Prayer Revival
Revival of 1857
This video is about the Great Prayer Awakening that started in New York City in 1857 and spreading across the United States of America.
The Layman’s Prayer Revival - #11 of The History of the Christian Church
This is a documentary video about the 1857 Layman’s Prayer Revival.
The History of the Christian Church
By Tom Nelson
This is a documentary style video combining Tom Nelson’s audio lesson with images found on the World Wide Web. This video covers the Layman’s Prayer Revival (1857).
11-03-16 Week 11 - The Layman’s Prayer Revival
If you have any questions or need help finding a particular video, tract, book or any other Christian resource in any language of the world, please contact