Books on Revival

A God-Sized Vision: Revival Stories that Stretch and Stir
By Collin Hansen and John Woodbridge
This book challenges Christians to pray expectantly to see Gods work in their everyday living. God can bring revival to the community, church, country, to the world. The historical stories of worldwide revivals in this book enlarge the hearts and minds of Christians as they see God at work in human history with a power that is still available to this date.

A God-Sized Vision: Revival Stories that Stretch and Stir
By Collin Hansen and John Woodbridge
This book challenges Christians to pray expectantly to see Gods work in their everyday living. God can bring revival to the community, church, country, to the world. The historical stories of worldwide revivals in this book enlarge the hearts and minds of Christians as they see God at work in human history with a power that is still available to this date.

Asleep in the Land of Nod: 30 Days of Prayer Toward Awakening the Church
By David Butts
David Butts, chairman of Americas National Prayer Committee offers hope-filled prayers and encouragement in his book Asleep in the Land of Nod, that God once again wants to revive His church. He compared the modern U. S. Church in Cains leaving God's presence to wander in the land of Nod. As you read this book, your heart will burn with hunger and will make you seek more of Jesus in your own life and the life of your church.

Autopsy of a Deceased Church: 12 Ways to Keep Yours Alive
By Thom S. Rainer
Many churches are dying these days. This is the dilemma Christians are facing in this era. In this book, Thom Rainer shared what he has discovered as to how churches die. Rainer has been helping churches grow and reverse the trends of church growth decline. He is doing this for more than 25 years. In this book, you will find 12 consistent themes among those churches that have died and lessons on how to keep your church alive.

Awakening in Wales: A Firsthand Account of the Welsh Revival of 1904 (eBook)
By Jessie Penn-Lewis
In this book, Jessie Penn-Lewis wrote a clear and unvarnished record of the events that happened in Wales in 1904. There was a remarkable outpouring of Gods Spirit, a spiritual revival where thousands of souls were welcomed into Gods kingdom that even the press could not ignore.

Awakening in Wales (Paperback)
By Jessie Penn-Lewis
Jessie Penn-Lewis was well-acquainted with the spiritual revival that happened across the hills and valleys of Wales. On October 31, 1904, thousands of souls were welcomed into Gods kingdom that even the press could not ignore. In this book, Penn-Lewis wrote a concise history of the events of that time which remains a treasure for all those who prayed for revival to return in our day.

Awakening in Wales
By Jessie Penn-Lewis
Faith in Store
Jessie Penn-Lewis was well-acquainted with the spiritual revival that happened across the hills and valleys of Wales. On October 31, 1904, thousands of souls were welcomed into Gods kingdom that even the press could not ignore. In this book, Penn-Lewis wrote a concise history of the events of that time which remains a treasure for all those who prayed for revival to return in our day.

By My Spirit
By Jonathan Goforth
After fleeing Chinas Boxer Rebellion of 1901, Jonathan Goforth felt a divine burden to return. This book tells how God used a series of extraordinary events to take him there, then used him to bring revival.

Can We Pray for Revival?
By Brian H. Edwards
Brian Edwards looks at the subject of revival both biblically and historically. In this book, Edwards presented a theological framework to support praying for revival. He concedes that the importance of praying for revival is that God is not obliged to keep promises he has never made.

Counterfeit Revival
By Hank Hanegraaff
Hank Hanegraaff documents the danger of looking for God in all the wrong places and goes behind the scenes into the wildly popular and bizarre world of contemporary revivalism. Hanegraaff masterfully exposes the stark contrast between these deeds of the flesh and a genuine work of the Spirit by contrasting modern revivals with the scriptural examples of Gods movement among His people.

Counterfeit Revival
By Hank Hanegraaff
Hank Hanegraaff documents the danger of looking for God in all the wrong places and goes behind the scenes into the wildly popular and bizarre world of contemporary revivalism. Hanegraaff masterfully exposes the stark contrast between these deeds of the flesh and a genuine work of the Spirit by contrasting modern revivals with the scriptural examples of Gods movement among His people.

David Brainerd: His Message For Today
By Oswald J. Smith
Though unable to speak the language of the Indians, David Brainerd his spent days in the depths of the forest praying that the Holy Spirit might come upon him so unmistakably that the Indians should not be able to stand before him. God answered his prayers in exciting and unimaginable ways. This and many more of his praying and revival experiences can be read on this book.

Digging the Wells of Revival
By Lou Engle
This book is excellent for intercessors and those interested in knowing why intercessory prayer is so important. Through the experiences of Lou Engle, he demonstrated the power of prayer and how intercessory prayer is a tool used by man, and God, to usher in revival and change the natural course of life.

Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God (Kindle Edition)
By Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Edwards was a preacher, theologian, and missionary to Native Americans. He is widely acknowledged to be America's most important and original philosophical theologian and one of America's greatest intellectuals. He played a critical role in the First Great Awakening and oversaw some of the first fires of revival in 1733-1735 at his church in Northampton, Massachusetts.

Finney on Revival
By Charles G. Finney
Charles Finney was blessed with a passion for souls, the fire of John the Baptist, and the great zeal for the truth of Gods Word. Each chapter within this compelling book abounds with God-pleasing thoughts, anecdotes, suggestions, and words of encouragement that will produce a yearning and hunger in the reader for a true revival that will bring about true changes in people's lives.

Fresh Encounter: God's Pattern for Spiritual Awakening Revised & Expanded (eBook)
By Henry Blackaby & Richard Blackaby
This book is for church laypersons and leaders that illuminates Gods pattern and plan for personal revival and spiritual awakening. Greatly revised from the original 1996 edition with 40 percent new material, Fresh Encounter looks to examples of revival throughout the Bible to better understand what it will take to bring about true and lasting spiritual renewal int he world today. Topics covered are: why does revival tarry, corporate hindrances to revival, the role of prayer in revival, and maintaining revival.

Fresh Encounter: God's Pattern for Spiritual Awakening Revised & Expanded (Paperback)
By Henry Blackaby & Richard Blackaby
Faith in Store
This book is for church laypersons and leaders that illuminates Gods pattern and plan for personal revival and spiritual awakening. Greatly revised from the original 1996 edition with 40 percent new material, Fresh Encounter looks to examples of revival throughout the Bible to better understand what it will take to bring about true and lasting spiritual renewal int he world today. Topics covered are: why does revival tarry, corporate hindrances to revival, the role of prayer in revival, and maintaining revival.

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire
By Jim Cymbala, Dean Merrill
Jim Cymbala shares the lessons he learned when the Holy Spirit ignited his heart and began to move through his people. This unforgettable story will set a fire burning in your heart to experience Gods mercy, power, and love as though for the first time.

George Whitefield: God's Anointed Servant in the Great Revival of the Eighteenth Century (eBook)
By Arnold Dallimore
George Whitefield preached the gospel with zeal and undaunted courage. In the wake of his fearless preaching, revival swept across the British Isles, and the Great Awakening transformed the American colonies. This book is a condensed version of Whitefields two-volume work, George Whitefield: The Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the Eighteenth Century Revival. This book is filled with primary-source quotations not only from Whitefield but also from prominent figures like John Wesley, Charles Wesley, Benjamin Franklin, and William Cowper.

God's Generals: The Revivalists
By Roberts Liardon
This book is a compilation of biographies of some of the most powerful revival preachers in our history. Roberts Liardon faithfully chronicled the works, teachings, methods, and spiritual discoveries of the following: John and Charles Wesley, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Finney, Dwight Moody, Charles Spurgeon, General William and Catherine Booth, and Billy Graham.

Heart Cry For Revival (eBook)
By Stephen Olford
After 65 years of ministry, Stephen Olford, founder of the Olford Institute for Biblical Preaching was completing Heart Cry for Revival at the time of his death in 2004. His text is thoroughly immersed in scriptural reference, with consistent historical references to revival. Olford answers the What, Who, Why, When, Way, Wind, Wake, and Wait of Revival.

How to Experience Revival (Journal Edition)
By Charles Finney
This is a handbook for Christian workers who wish to learn the simple principles of the promise of revival. Charles Finney reveals his personal secrets on how to experience revival. These dynamic messages leave no doubt about what it takes to win our world to Christ.

John Wesley: A Preaching Life
By Michael Pasquarello III
Pasquarello believes that John Wesley was a homiletical theologian, one for whom the Word preached was the core means of reflecting on and understanding the meaning of the Gospel. In this book, Pasquarello places the sermons of John Wesley in the larger religious, political, and intellectual world of their 18th-century context. This book portrays the centrality of the preachings of Wesley to the religious revival that transformed the 18th-century England.

Jonathan Edwards: A Guided Tour of His Life and Thought
By Stephen J. Nichols
Jonathan Edwards was one of the leaders in the Great Awakening during the 18th century. In this book, you will get to know Jonathan Edwards as an introduction, a gateway into the vast and rewarding life, his life, thought, and writings.

Jonathan Edwards: A Life
By George M. Marsden
Jonathan Edwards ignited the momentous Great Awakening of the 18th century. In this definitive biography, Jonathan Edwards emerges as both a great American and a brilliant Christian. Marsden evokes the world of colonial New England in which Edwards was reared. The cultural and religious battles that Edwards had been through shaped his life and thought. The life of Edwards anticipated the deep contradictions the American culture.

Katrina and the Need for Revival in the American Church (eBook)
By Jerry Bass
Jerry bass was trapped in a downtown hospital in New Orleans during Hurrican Katrina. From that experience, Bass believes that God allowed this disaster in order to wake up the church from its spiritual lethargy. This book was written with an overwhelming conviction that revival in the American church is needed.

Life and Diary of David Brainerd
By Jonathan Edwards
The Life and Diary of David Brainerd is Jonathan Edwards biography of David Brainerd. Brainerd was an 18th century colonial American missionary. During the last five years of his lifetime, he traveled over three thousand miles on horseback in order to spread the word of God to the native American people. Since the publication of his life, Brainerd has served as a source of inspiration for Christian missionaries worldwide.

Like a Mighty Wind
By Mel Tari with Cliff Dudley
Like a Mighty Wind remains a beloved classic from global evangelist Mel Tari. Recounting the incredible story of revival of the island of Timor during 1965 in the midst of political turmoil, the book is an amazing testament to the power of faith and the reality of Gods power to work miracles in modern times.

Praying for Revival
By Eric Hayden
Christian long for revival. We read accounts of revivals in the past with a mildly repressed envy that somehow we could experience such spiritual awakening in our local situation. In this devotional book, Eric Hayden reminds us of the necessity of prayer when we desire revival. Hayden looks at the 35 prayers for revival found in the Bible. Through these verses, he gives us a series of short studies on revival and prayer.

Praying for Revival
By Eric Hayden
Gospel Folio Press
Christian long for revival. We read accounts of revivals in the past with a mildly repressed envy that somehow we could experience such spiritual awakening in our local situation. In this devotional book, Eric Hayden reminds us of the necessity of prayer when we desire revival. Hayden looks at the 35 prayers for revival found in the Bible. Through these verses, he gives us a series of short studies on revival and prayer.

Praying Together for True Revival
By Jonathan Edwards, T. M. Moore
Praying Together for True Revival makes accessible Edwards massive, classic treatise on corporate prayer and how important it is in bringing revival to an individual, church, community, and even a country. Moore divided Edwards book into 13 chapters. He also added introductory remarks, subheadings, and concluding questions that promote understanding and spur us to prayer.

Realities of Revival
By E. A. Johnston
Only God can command the revival wind. But, we must set our sails to catch that wind when God blows. We cannot produce revival, but we can ready ourselves to receive it when it comes. Realities of Revival brings thought-provoking, heart-searching, and will-bending insights. The author did a good job in balancing and blending the sovereign work of God and the responsibility of man in revival.

Reformation and Revival: The Story of the English Puritans
By John Brown
In 1558, the death of Bloody Mary and the accession of Elizabeth I to the throne of England offered new hope to thousands of exiled Protestants who returned to Britain en masse. This book tells their story, chronicling the tragedies and triumphs that the Puritans experienced as they engaged the English Crown and the established Church on matters of faith and practice.

Reformation and Revival: The Story of the English Puritans
By John Brown
In 1558, the death of Bloody Mary and the accession of Elizabeth I to the throne of England offered new hope to thousands of exiled Protestants who returned to Britain en masse. This book tells their story, chronicling the tragedies and triumphs that the Puritans experienced as they engaged the English Crown and the established Church on matters of faith and practice.

By Andrew Murray
This book conveys Murrays deep spirituality, his knowledge of the word of God his confidence that obedience to that word guarantees divine blessings. In this book Murray writes that God seeks for men and women through whom He can bless the world. The goal is for all the people of the world to know Christ before that happens. This mission is made easier when the church experiences revival.

By Brian H. Edwards
In this book, Brian Edwards wrote about historic revival and how it inspires readers to desire to see God move in powerful ways.

Revival Addresses (eBook)
By R. A. Torrey
Revival Addresses is a compilation of 40 sermons he preached at rallies around the world. Primarily a collection of sermons designed to bring unbelievers to salvation, Revival Addresses is a masterful resource for pastors, but also for unbelievers or Christians looking for motivation for evangelism.

Revival - God's Proven Method of Awakening His Church
By Edgar H. Lewellen
Revival contains 13 study lessons that is good for an hour discussion. It stimulates prayer groups with a burden for revival. As readers or students understand the great heart of God, that if He blessed His people with heaven-sent revivals before, He can and will do it again when His people are ready.

Revival God's Way: A Message for the Church
By Leonard RavenHill
In this book, Leonard Ravenhill clearly shows how the church can be brought from where it is to where it ought to be. The message, that this generation has never know revival God's way, is drastic, fearless, and often radical. Gods goal for the church is nothing less than full restoration to the glory, power, holiness, and dignity that Christ intended for it.

Revival God's Way: A Message for the Church, repacked edition
By Leonard RavenHill
Written with prophetic zeal, this book will create in the reader a longing for true biblical revival. Full of spiritual insights and inspirational challenge, Ravenhills message for the church is as relevant today as it was a generation ago. His clear and uncompromising voice will be welcomed by those who desire to see the church restored to its original calling.

Revival Praying: An Urgent and Powerful Message for the Family of Christ (eBook)
By Leonard Ravenhill
Leonard Ravenhill presents prayer as faith in action in this fast-paced presentation of this crucial subject. He called prayer the most essential ingredient in producing revival. Filled with exhortations and illustrations, it teaches the art of effective praying which will result in revival.

Revival Praying: An Urgent and Powerful Message for the Family of Christ (Paperback)
By Leonard Ravenhill
Leonard Ravenhill presents prayer as faith in action in this fast-paced presentation of this crucial subject. He called prayer the most essential ingredient in producing revival. Filled with exhortations and illustrations, it teaches the art of effective praying which will result in revival.

Revival Praying: An Urgent and Powerful Message for the Family of Christ (Paperback)
By Leonard Ravenhill
Leonard Ravenhill presents prayer as faith in action in this fast-paced presentation of this crucial subject. He called prayer the most essential ingredient in producing revival. Filled with exhortations and illustrations, it teaches the art of effective praying which will result in revival.

Revival Sermons of Jonathan Edwards
By Jonathan Edwards
Revival Sermons of Jonathan Edwards offers a stirring selection of his best "Revival Sermons" that allows readers to experience the words that swept through this young nation with a message of repentance and a call to action.

Revive Us Again: Biblical Insights for Encouraging Spiritual Renewal (eBook)
By Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.
Help your community, your church, and yourself refocus on God by starting a revival. Kaiser reveals spiritual principles found in the awakenings of the Bible, from Moses to John the Baptist, and shows how the same thing can happen today. You'll see just what God can do when his sovereign will is acknowledged and obeyed.

Revive Us Again: Biblical Insights for Encouraging Spiritual Renewal (Paperback)
By Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.
Help your community, your church, and yourself refocus on God by starting a revival. Kaiser reveals spiritual principles found in the awakenings of the Bible, from Moses to John the Baptist, and shows how the same thing can happen today. You'll see just what God can do when his sovereign will is acknowledged and obeyed.

Reviving the Black Church
By Thabiti Anyabwile
Reviving the Black Church calls people back to another time, borrowing the wisdom of earlier faithful Christians, and calling people back to the Bible itself. This pastor and church planter Thabiti Anyabwile's humble prayer. Anyabwile hopes that that book might be useful to pastors and faithful lay members in reviving at least some quarters of the Black Church, and churches of every ethnicity and context.

Reviving the Black Church
By Thabiti Anyabwile
Reviving the Black Church calls people back to another time, borrowing the wisdom of earlier faithful Christians, and calling people back to the Bible itself. This pastor and church planter Thabiti Anyabwile's humble prayer. Anyabwile hopes that that book might be useful to pastors and faithful lay members in reviving at least some quarters of the Black Church, and churches of every ethnicity and context.

Reviving the Heart: The Story of the Eighteenth Century Revival
By Richard Turnball
This book introduces to readers the main players of English revival during the 18th century: the Wesleys, George Whitefield, John Newton, the Countess of Huntingdon, William Wilberforce, and many lesser known figures. It brings together what they believed, what they taught, and the immense impact they had on the people of the UK, both the rich and the poor. Out of the revival came the Clapham sect and the successful campaign to end slavery, the Methodist church, and a new role for women. This book will delight both the expert and those coming to the history of the revival for the first time.

Rut, Rot, or Revival: The Problem of Change and Breaking Out of the Status Quo
By A. W. Tozer, James L. Synder, Warren Wiersbe
In Rut, Rot or Revival, Tozer describes the signs of being in a spiritual rut, the reasons we get into them, how to get out, and, most importantly, why we need to get out now.

Salvation in Full Color: Twenty Sermons by Great Awakening Preachers
By Richard O. Roberts
This is a compilation of sermons delivered by the Great Awakening Preachers like John Wesley, George Whitefield, and more.

Sermon Outlines on Revival Themes
By Al Bryant
Each book in the Bryant Sermon Outline Series contains thirty or more outlines focusing on one theme. These outlines are designed to spark an idea, provide an initial structure, or furnish a fitting illustration.

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God and Other Puritan Sermons (eBook)
By Jonathan Edwards
This book contains sermons delivered by Jonathan Edwards and other nine influential Puritans of the 16th to 18th centuries.

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God and Other Puritan Sermons (Paperback)
By Jonathan Edwards
This book contains sermons delivered by Jonathan Edwards and other nine influential Puritans of the 16th to 18th centuries.

Sounds From Heaven: The Revival on the Isle of Lewis, 1949-1952
By Colin Peckham and Mary Peckham
This book tells of the story of the revival on the Scottish Isle of Lewis in the late 1940s. It is a fascinating blend of history, biography, and testimony. It includes the eye-witness accounts from Duncan Campbell and Mary Peckham.

Spiritual Revival
By O. J. Gibson
Revival is one of the great Biblical themes from Genesis to the Ephesian church. It is probably the greatest need today even among Bible-believing churches. It will tarry until there are those who recognize the need and begin to cry out, earnestly and with perseverance to God. This book includes the following topics: praying for revival, hindrances to revival, abiding in Christ for revival, revival and victorious life, and more.

The Great Awakening: A Brief History with Documents (Bedford Series in History and Culture) First Edition
By Thomas S. Kidd
This book presents a valuable study of the spiritual movement that profoundly shaped colonial American cultural and religious life. Thomas Kidd wrote this book comprehensively, relying on recent scholarship to describe three contemporary views of the revivals: those of radicals in favor of them, moderates supporting them, and anti-revivalists attacking them. This book also includes illustrations, headnotes to the documents, a chronology of the Great Awakening, a selected bibliography, questions to consider, and an index.

The Great Awakening: Testimonies of Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield
By Mark C. Lee
The Great Awakening movement in America happened during the 1700s. Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield joined forces to bring spiritual revivals that started in England and was brought to America. Ready the full account of what happened during that era in Mark Lee's The Great Awakening: Testimonies of Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield.

The Great Welsh Revival (eBook)
By Rev. S.B. Shaw
Edited by Darrel D. King
Darrel King updated the original work of Rev. Shaw and this book is the result. This book contains reports of people who were witnesses of how God amazingly transformed people during 1904 and 1905. Included also in this book is the Welsh Revival of 1857-1858 and the Great Revival in Ireland in 1859.

The Nature of a God-Sent Revival
By Duncan Campbell
This tremendous sermon is packed with power from a man who saw first-hand spiritual awakening in his ministry. Today there is much talk about revival, but little understanding of the nature of genuine revival. In fact, our concept of revival is so vague that we are seldom challenged to seek God for it.

The Religious Affections
By Jonathan Edwards
In this book, Jonathan Edwards distinguishes between true and false religion by defining a believer's correct affections and explaining their importance. He further identifies the distinction between genuine-seeming and legitimate affections.

The Revival We Need
By Oswald J. Smith
Oswald J. Smith wrote this book almost a hundred years ago. The message of revival still applies to this day. He emphasized the need of a Holy Spirit revival.

The Size of the Soul: Principles of Revival and Spiritual Growth
By A. W. Tozer
A. W. Tozer wrote this collection of editorials while he was the editor of Alliance Life. Tozer had a pithy writing style and a keen prophetic eye to the condition of the church. This 12th book of editorials covers topics such as: steps to revival, the needed reformation, the Christians hope, causes of religious confusion, and the need for prophetic insight.

The Surprising Work of God
By Jonathan Edwards
In this book, Jonathan Edwards outlines the miraculous events of the Great Awakening that happened during the 18th century. Learn how revival can start in one town and spread like wildfire to an entire country. See how people are convicted of sin and prompted to accept Christ, opening the way for glorious events in their lives. The Great Awakening is not just a history of revival. It is a powerful account of the Holy Spirit working in the lives of the people.

The Ten Greatest Revivals Ever: From Pentecost to the Present
By Elmer Towns and Douglas Porter
Elmer Towns and Douglas Porter collaborated to write this fast-moving series of accounts and determined their order of One through Ten asking seventeen Christians prominent in their fields of study and outreach about which revival epochs are the greatest of all time. This book is informative about the living history of Christian revivals.

Theologies of the American Revivalists: From Whitefield to Finney
By Robert W. Caldwell III
Robert Caldwell, a church historian, traces the fascinating story of American revival theologies from the First Great Awakening through the Second Great Awakening. He offers a reconsideration of the theologies of figures such as George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, Joseph Bellamy, Samuel Hopkins, and Charles Finney. His scope also includes movements such as New Divinity theology, Taylorism, Baptist revival theology, Princeton theology, and the Restorationist movement. With this study, we gain fresh insight into what it meant to become a Christian during the age of America's great awakenings.

Thoughts on the Revival of Religion in New England, 1740
By Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Edwards wrote in his journal his thoughts on the spiritual revival that happened in Northampton in 1735. They made his journal a book and published in hope that it will become an inspiration to the present Christian church to desire the same spiritual revival that happened centuries before.

Too Many to Jail: The Story of Iran's New Christians
By Mark Bradley
Too Many to Jail documents the remarkable rise of the Iranian church, despite fierce persecution, as Iranians grow disillusioned with Islam. This book sets the rapid church growth in Iran in the context of the deteriorating relationship between Iranians and their national religion.

When God Breaks Through: Sermons on Revival
By Vance Havner, Dennis J. Hester
Licensed to preach at an early age of twelve and ordained at fifteen, Havner spent a lifetime calling people to repentance. A popular revivalist known for his homespun storytelling and memorable wordplay, Havner boldly proclaimed the Word of God for 73 years. In this collection of ten revival sermons, Havner's hard-hitting words proclaim the biblical message of heaven, hell, sin, repentance, sacrifice, holiness, prayer, and the lordship of Christ.

When God Breaks Through: Sermons on Revival
By Vance Havner, Dennis J. Hester
Licensed to preach at an early age of twelve and ordained at fifteen, Havner spent a lifetime calling people to repentance. A popular revivalist known for his homespun storytelling and memorable wordplay, Havner boldly proclaimed the Word of God for 73 years. In this collection of ten revival sermons, Havner's hard-hitting words proclaim the biblical message of heaven, hell, sin, repentance, sacrifice, holiness, prayer, and the lordship of Christ.

When God Breaks Through: Sermons on Revival
By Vance Havner, Dennis J. Hester
The Berean Call Bookstore
Licensed to preach at an early age of twelve and ordained at fifteen, Havner spent a lifetime calling people to repentance. A popular revivalist known for his homespun storytelling and memorable wordplay, Havner boldly proclaimed the Word of God for 73 years. In this collection of ten revival sermons, Havner's hard-hitting words proclaim the biblical message of heaven, hell, sin, repentance, sacrifice, holiness, prayer, and the lordship of Christ.

When the Spirit's Fire Swept Korea
By Jonathan Goforth
This book tells of the story of the Korean Revival in 1907 as witnessed by Jonathan Goforth.

Why Revival Still Tarries
By Chad Taylor
In this book you will learn: why revival should be a perpetual experience, a way of life; why revival cannot be germinated in a test tube of theology; how you can be truly revived personally; how the miraculous can be normal experience of your life, and; how the Church can bring revival to the world. Chad Taylor shows how we can be revived, as well as how we can become instruments of revival for those around us. In the exciting pages of this book, you will discover how this can change and how you hold the key to the most remarkable event ever experienced in the Church: genuine, God-breathed revival.

Why Revival Tarries, 1979
By Leonard Ravenhill
Leonard Ravenhill became one of the twentieth centurys greatest authorities on revival, and the heart of his message to the Church is contained in these pages. His message is drastic, fearless, and often radical. Appalled by the disparity between the New Testament Church and what passes for the Church today, Ravenhill gives a no-compromise call to the principles of biblical revival.

Why Revival Tarries, 1986
By Leonard Ravenhill
Leonard Ravenhill became one of the twentieth centurys greatest authorities on revival, and the heart of his message to the Church is contained in these pages. His message is drastic, fearless, and often radical. Appalled by the disparity between the New Testament Church and what passes for the Church today, Ravenhill gives a no-compromise call to the principles of biblical revival.

Why Revival Tarries, 2004
By Leonard Ravenhill\
Leonard Ravenhill became one of the twentieth century's greatest authorities on revival, and the heart of his message to the Church is contained in these pages. His message is drastic, fearless, and often radical. Appalled by the disparity between the New Testament Church and what passes for the Church today, Ravenhill gives a no-compromise call to the principles of biblical revival.

If you have any questions or need help finding a particular video, tract, book or any other Christian resource in any language of the world, please contact